In order to mitigate the above Risk Assessment, the Disaster Management Plan in order to minimize accidents and control the damage, the followings are to be followed: 1. Proper maintenance of benches and slope along with proper design considering the stability of the working benches or slopes. 2. Proper maintenance of machinery and equipments and proper signaling methods. Proper maintenance of berms on haul roads including the proper width and gradient of haul roads. 3. Proper maintenance of drainage/ sump and pumps. 4. Care has to be taken on handling of explosive, misfires and proper design of blasting parameter and use of blasting accessories to minimize fly rocks, noise and vibration. Proper signalling and maintenance of blasting shelter. 5. Fire extinguisher has to be kept in all the machineries and wherever a fire hazard is anticipated. 6.Proper fencing of the lease boundary is to be practise in order to avoid any inadvertent entry. 7. Detailed list of equipment available, its type & capacity and items reserved for emergency 8. Apart from the above precautions, Emergency Response Team is to be arranged by the lessee under the supervision of Mine Manager to tackle in case of any disaster/ accident. 9. Management to ameliorate the situation of panic, tension, sentiments, grievances and misgivings created by any disaster and to help the injured, survivors and family members of affected persons by providing material, finance, moral support and establishing contact with relatives of victims. 10. It is also important that the lessee has to maintain the following facilities in the area:- • First Aid Room. • Telephones/ Mobile handsets • Emergency alarm in mine. • Firefighting equipments and accessories with trained manpower. • Training Centre. • Ambulance van. • medical centre and rescue room